How It Works
Five Easy Steps
Tips and Tricks
Affiliate Program
Design Cover



When I try loading a page without ads, I get the following message: "Your script produced the following error: Cant load YYY.htm".
(Where YYY.htm is the name of file you are trying to load).

The file YYY.htm is not present in the cgi-bin directory. Upload it into cgi-bin and this problem will disappear.
The file loads without ads but pictures embedded in the file do not load. Leave the pictures where they are, but the change their source from relative to absolute. This will be clear my means of this example:

EXAMPLE: Suppose you have a picture called logo.gif embedded in you file index.htm and you find that this picture doesn't load when index.htm is loaded without ads.

SOLUTION: Change the source of the picture to the following:, where XXX is the name of your domain, say mysite. By doing this, your pages will also load faster.

Frontpage Components such as search form, of posting to a discussion web don't work properly. To make a frontpage component work properly, before uploading your pages to the cgi-bin directory, change the link to the page containing the component to the following:

Where, XXX is your domain name say mysite, and YYY.htm is the name of the page containing the FrontPage component.

EXAMPLE: Suppose the name of your domain is mysite and the name of the page containing a search form is disc1_srch.htm. Then, wherever a link to disc1_srch.htm appears, you have to change the link to,

After having done this, upload your pages containing FrontPage components to the cgi-bin.

When I try loading a page, I get the following error message: "Your script produced an error. Did you strip carriage returns at the end of a network transfer?" This is the god of unpredictability at work. But Relax. Have a beer. Everyting is under control.

This problem arises most probably because perl scripts have to be uploaded into the cgi-bin in binary mode, and while copying the file into the cgi-bin, the mode was not binary.

Solution: Delete the file, then upload  it again using cute ftp, after explicitly selecting the mode of transfer to be binary (cute ftp automatically selects the appropriate mode for file transfer, but to be on the safe side, explicitly select binary as the mode of transfer.